Thursday, June 09, 2011

Dear Brown Rice

Dear Brown Rice,

I'm breaking up with you and going back to my ex, White Rice. I really tried. For 6 months I tried. Ever since we met at Wholefoods. And all my friends kept telling me you were good for me.  And I ignored the protests of my  Cuban family who couldn't understand why I renounced my Latin ways for you. Ours was a kind friendship. You were good to my body but there was no passion. Ours was a relationship with no flavor. I know you are good and I am sure there is some granola gringo boy who would love you like you deserve. But I am going back to White Rice. She's not as picky as you are. She's happy with olive oil, a little garlic and salt. I tried my best with you but no matter what I gave you (remember the coconut milk) you just wouldn't give. And White Rice takes barely anytime to get ready whereas you took forever. Yes, 3/4 of the world loves White Rice also. But I would rather be one of many lovers than no lover at all.